5 Health Benefits of Acai Berries + 5 Recipes
Acai berries are a small purple berry with a powerful punch of flavor and nutrition. Have you tried them before? You’ll commonly see them in pureed preparations like smoothies or acai bowls, but they can also be found in a powder form. Acai berries taste similar to a blackberry but a little sweeter and less tart. They’re a staple food in the Amazon region where they grow on acai palm trees, but these small berries have become more popular around the world in recent years. And for good reason! Acai berries are only about 1 inch in diameter but are loaded with health benefits. It’s a plus that they taste good too! They are a true superfood. If you’re curious about these supposed acai health benefits in your diet, below are five different ways that acai berries can be beneficial for your health. 1. Antioxidant Power Just like all the other berries and their antioxidant power, the health benefits of acai are no different. Antioxidant-rich foods are so important for your health b...